GdPicture.NET.14 (COM - ActiveX)
GdPicture.NET.14 (COM - ActiveX)~GdPicture14_namespace / WiaPageSize Enumeration

In This Topic
WiaPageSize Enumeration
In This Topic
Specifies WIA page sizes.
Public Enum WiaPageSize 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum WiaPageSize : System.Enum 
public enum WiaPageSize = class(System.Enum)
public enum WiaPageSize extends System.Enum
__value public enum WiaPageSize : public System.Enum 
public enum class WiaPageSize : public System.Enum 
WiaPageSizeA408267 x 11692 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeAUTO100Driver automatically detects page size
WiaPageSizeBUSINESSCARD63543 x 2165 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeCUSTOM2Current extent settings.
WiaPageSizeCUSTOM_BASE32768Page size already known to driver and application.
WiaPageSizeDIN_2B5255669 x 78740 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeDIN_4B5378740 x 111338 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_A0733110 x 46811 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_A1823385 x 33110 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_A10161023 x 1456 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_A2916535 x 23385 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_A31011692 x 16535 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_A408267 x 11692 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_A5115826 x 8267 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_A6124133 x 5826 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_A7132913 x 4133 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_A8142047 x 2913 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_A9151456 x 2047 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_B01739370 x 55669 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_B11827834 x 39370 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_B10271220 x 1732 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_B21919685 x 27834 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_B32013897 x 19685 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_B4219842 x 13897 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_B5226929 x 9842 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_B6234921 x 6929 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_B7243464 x 4921 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_B8252440 x 3464 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_B9261732 x 2440 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_C02836102 x 51062 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_C12925511 x 36102 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_C10381102 x 1574 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_C23018031 x 25511 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_C33112755 x 18031 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_C4329015 x 12755 unfolded
WiaPageSizeISO_C5336377 x 9015 folded once (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_C6344488 x 6377 folded twice (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_C7353188 x 4488 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_C8362244 x 3188 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeISO_C9371574 x 2244
WiaPageSizeJIS_2A5046811 x 66220 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeJIS_4A5166220 x 93622 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeJIS_B03940551 x 57322 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeJIS_B14028661 x 40551 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeJIS_B10491259 x 1771 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeJIS_B24120275 x 28661
WiaPageSizeJIS_B34214330 x 20275 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeJIS_B44310118 x 14330 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeJIS_B5447165 x 10118 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeJIS_B6455039 x 7165 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeJIS_B7463582 x 5039 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeJIS_B8472519 x 3582 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeJIS_B9481771 x 2519 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeLETTER18500 x 11000 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeUnknown-18267 x 11692 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeUSLEDGER411000 x 17000 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeUSLEGAL38500 x 14000 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeUSLETTER18500 x 11000 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
WiaPageSizeUSSTATEMENT55500 x 8500 (Dimensions in thousandths of an inch).
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


GdPicture.NET.14 (COM - ActiveX)~GdPicture14_namespace